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Visitors to Texas

We're very pleased you're visiting Texas, and want to assist you in purchasing a Title 1 rifle or shotgun, ie, guns with shoulder stocks and a rifled barrel 16 or more inches long, or a smoothbore barrel 18 or more inches long. Sadly, due to the Gun Control Act of 1968, we can't sell you handguns or "others", including smoothbore guns without stocks 26" or longer that use shotgun ammo, guns without a stock 26" or longer that have a vertical forward grip, or firearm receivers such as AR lowers. If it is a particularly unique gun you just must have, we'll be happy to ship it to your FFL in your home state for the retail price plus actual shipping - please see our Mailorder page.

Unfortunately, because of the 1968 GCA only allowing us to sell you rifles and shotguns, we can only transfer you rifles and shotguns. Please see our Transfers page for details.

Even if you have a non-resident Texas License To Carry, you will need to undergo a NICS check, as detailed HERE. If you just moved to Texas, but don't yet have a Texas Driver License or ID, you are not a visitor to Texas, and your previous state's ID is no longer valid for 4473 purposes. Please see the 4473 page for clarification.

If you are visiting Texas for an extended period and have obtained a Texas Driver License, ID, or License To Carry with a Texas address, that's wonderful, you're considered a Texas resident for the 4473 - just put down your Texas address exactly as noted on your Texas identification.

If you are a Title 10 military member stationed in Texas, then your PCS orders, military ID card, and home state ID consitute valid ID, and we can treat you as a state resident and sell you anything we have in stock.

If you are a California resident, we do apologize, your state makes it nearly impossible to sell you anything, so we invite you to look at our knife selection.